Preventing bullying

What is bullying?

Bullying is “intentional harm-doing or harassment that is directed toward vulnerable targets and typically repeated. Bullying encompasses a wide range of malicious aggressive behaviours, including physical violence, verbal mockery, threats, ostracism, and rumours spread either orally or by other means of communication, such as the Internet” 

(taken from Encyclopaedia Britannica)

Parkside Community College takes bullying very seriously and will thoroughly investigate every incident that is brought to our attention. The most important thing is that it is responded as quickly as possible.

Unfortunately, many bullying incidents begin outside of school – normally online, (that is why the school has such a strict “not seen or heard" phone policy). We regularly remind students of what to do if they think they are bullied and cover it thoroughly in our PSHE curriculum. 

Our anti-bullying policy can be found here.

Parkside Community College has run a highly successful Anti-Bullying Week 2022, with tutor resources, assemblies and some excellent posters created by students and put up around the school.


The Convention on the Rights of the Child

All children have all these rights, no matter who they are, where they live, what language they speak, what their religion is, what they think, what they look like, if they are a boy or girl, if they have a disability, if they are rich or poor, and no matter who their parents or families are or what their parents or families believe or do. No child should be treated unfairly for any reason.

Read more here or download the pdf here.