
Parkside aims to make a major contribution in preparing young people for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life. Careers Education (CE) and Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) are provided to ensure that students develop the knowledge and skills to make successful decisions. The understanding and experience that students acquire should enable them to enter post 16 and 18 settings as effective, well-prepared learners and workers. 

We aim to: 

  • Develop students’ aspirations, self-awareness and participation in CE and IAG. 
  • Maintain a good working relationship between the school and outside organisations such as the Local Authority Youth Support Service and Local Employers. 
  • Ensure that CE and IAG is delivered to and exceeds National Standards. 
  • Ensure that student outcomes in CE lessons are high. 
  • Encourage students to make good use of the resources available to them, so that they can make informed and appropriate choices throughout their school journey. 
  • Enable staff to explore the resources available and engage with training opportunities so that they are able to support students with CE and IAG throughout the school. 

For this to happen it requires that: 

  • Staff and outside partners are clear about their roles and responsibilities within the area of CE and IAG. 
  • There is a planned programme of activities to which all students are entitled and have access.  
  • Careers Education and Information, Advice and Guidance is impartial and confidential. 
  • The programme promotes equality of opportunity, good relations and tackles discrimination. 
  • There are mechanisms for feedback from staff, parents and students about the delivery and availability of CE and IAG, so that the procedures and quality of delivery can be continually evaluated and improved. 

We are committed to providing a planned programme of careers education and guidance for all students in Years 7–13 in partnership with the Youth Support Service. This policy was developed through an audit of practice and is reviewed annually through discussions with teaching staff, Governors, our external (Youth Support Service) careers advisor and students. The impact of the policy and its delivery is measured by analysing post-16/18 destination data. 

Participation in the Cambridge Area Partnership schools and employers conference ensures that our lead staff remain informed about the local job market and that we are made aware of opportunities as they emerge.  


The Careers Education and IAG programme includes careers education lessons, information (in assemblies, special events and learning centre research activities), careers advice sessions (individual advisor interviews and) and guidance activities (individual personal learning planning and employer careers mentoring in Years 10 and 11).

Careers lessons are taught in discrete modules as part of the PSHE programme. The Personal Learning Planning programme for Years 7-13 includes guidance activities to develop broader personal skills focused on motivation and employability as well as information and advice. Other events take place throughout the year including the 3-day Creative Action Service (CAS) week, science week, enterprise days, assemblies, visits to post 16 providers and local employer events. Work-related learning and direct work experience is promoted and undertaken wherever and whenever possible.

For further information, please view our curriculum topics outline and full IAG programme here


  • A member of the School Leadership Team line-manages the programme. The PSHE coordinator is responsible for coordinating the Careers Education and IAG programme. They work closely with the school's IAG Advisers and the Assistant Head Teachers (KS3, 4 and 5).  
  • The Assistant Head Teachers have responsibility for IAG delivery. 
  • Careers Education is delivered by timetabled PSHE teaching staff and the subject staff allocated to the annual 3-day CAS programme (Creative Action Service).   
  • All members of staff are expected to contribute to the Careers Education and IAG programme through their roles as PLP tutors and subject teachers. 
  • The Assistant Head Teachers (with the support of student services and the SEND coordinator) ensure the integration of the more intensive and targeted programmes available to students with additional needs. 
  • The Local Authority Youth Support Service Advisor provides specialist careers guidance. The employer/business coordinator holds the overview of the Business Class programme. 


  • Funding is allocated in the annual budget plan. 
  • Careers information is available in the learning centres and on the school computer network. Online resources are publicised widely. The careers co-ordinator organises the teaching resources for the careers modules in the PSHE programme. 
  • The Youth Support Service Advisor works from an office where private 1-1 advice interviews can take place. 
  • Dedicated PSHE and PLP sessions cover the curriculum for careers and study/work related guidance 


  • Staff training needs are identified in Appraisal Reviews and the Assessment Audit. 
  • Training for new teachers to the PSHE team takes place by the PSHE co-ordinator on a 1-1 basis as needed throughout the year. Whole staff training is arranged by the Assistant Head Teachers and PSHE coordinators. 

Assessment, Monitoring and Evaluation 

  • The delivery of careers education within the PSHE curriculum is monitored informally by the PSHE coordinator (after each careers module through staff and student feedback), more formally (through teaching observations) and annually through the REVIEW of PSHE conducted by the appropriate member of the leadership team. 
  • The Partnership Agreement with the Youth Support Service is reviewed annually. 
  • The effectiveness of the CE and IAG programme is audited annually by the leadership team and reported to the Governing Body. 
  • Transition outcomes (Destination Data) is used to determine the success of the policy and its implementation. 

Partnership Working 

At various times, local community groups and employers participate in the delivery of careers, IAG and employability projects and programmes. The Federation schools also participate in the national 'Business Class' programme.  

Useful Links

  • Careers Box Over 500 video clips on different careers as well as a Skills Explorer to match videos to students' skills and preferences

  • Youthoria  Youth Support Service website has some very useful information for students thinking about future courses and careers, including the most effective ways to get a job

  • National Careers Service  Extensive careers information and advice

  • National Apprenticeship Service (NAS) Find out about the benefits to doing an apprenticeship: you can earn while you learn, and learn through hands-on experience on the job. Key benefits of being an apprentice include; earning a salary, getting paid holidays, receiving training, gaining qualifications, learning job-specific skills 

For any further information please contact any of the following staff: 

Mark Turner (PSHE Co-ordinator & Head of I&S) mark.turner@parksidecc.org.uk 

Rachel Biltcliffe (Head of Sixth) rachel.biltcliffe@parksidecc.org.uk 

Natalie Evans (Head of Y11) natalie.evans@parksidecc.org.uk


Careers and Futures policy and information will be reviewed and published in September 2022.