Curriculum and Assessment Information
To support your child with their learning, you can familiarise yourself with the topics that they are currently studying. Students receive a termly overview of the topics that they will be studying, along with information about any assessments taking place that term. They receive these on paper for their knowledge organiser folder. They are also posted on electronically on the year group Teams pages. They can be found at the bottom of this page and also on the Exam Support page.
For further information, see the relevant subject curriculum pages, or you can contact your child’s class teachers or the relevant Head of Department. Students have a knowledge organiser in their folder for each topic. Talk to your child about what they have learnt so far on their knowledge organiser and quiz them on it.
GCSE Exam Board Information
The key stage 4 course information document, will tell you the GCSE syllabus code for each course being sat in 2024 and 2025, with links to suggested revision material. This is the key stage 4 course information document for the courses being sat in 2025 and 2026.
Parents' Evenings
Parents' evenings are held online through a platform called SchoolCloud.

Microsoft Teams
Ask your child to show you their Teams pages. On Teams teachers set homework assignments, share revision resources and post relevant resources to support lessons. If you need help in finding the Teams assignments, see this help page.
Homework Platforms
Students are set weekly homework following this homework timetable.
We use several excellent online platforms to set homework tasks that are designed to promote recall of key knowledge, to practice key skills, and are adaptive to the level that the student is at. For the majority of these platforms there is the option to sign up a linked parent account. This way you can get a deeper understanding of your child's progress as you can get a lot of information about their engagement, their areas of success and areas of improvement
Many of our homework platforms adapt to the student to make sure they are working at a level appropriate to them. It is important that when supporting your child you let them have a go at the answers first of all, even if they get them wrong. You can then help them understand why the answer was wrong using the support videos or explanations on the programme. This helps us to see the areas that they are not yet secure with. It also prevents the programme from increasing the difficulty of the questions beyond the level that the student is working at.
Other ways to help your child
- Support them in having the correct equipment for their learning
- Encourage good routines about preparing their school bag and completing their home learning assignments
- Be aware of what they are accessing online and on their phones
- Encourage regular reading of a variety of genres, both fiction and nonfiction
- Encourage reading texts or watching films in the language of study
- Encourage participation in clubs
- Encourage an active, healthy lifestyle
- Encourage curiosity in the world around them:
- Discuss current events
- Visit museums and art galleries (in person or virtual)
- Experience theatre and concerts (in person or virtual)
- Look at architecture
- Discuss how something has been designed or engineered
Further resources
BBC Bitesize
NSPCC - Support for Parents
Oak National Academy
UK Safer Internet Centre - Keep Your Child Safe Online